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Harbor's Multi-Asset Solutions Team ("MAST") delivers actionable investment insights and builds multi-asset portfolios and client solutions. MAST's investment platform combines proprietary quantitative and qualitative signals with inputs from Harbor's Investment Research Team, subadvisory network, and other sources to guide investment decisions across asset allocation, portfolio management, and risk oversight. With a focus on insights including asset allocation viewpoints, long-term capital market assumptions, and an extensive investment and product network, MAST centers on long-term portfolio construction that will help clients evaluate and implement more comprehensive solutions.


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Manager Profiles

Kristof Gleich

Kristof Gleich

President & Chief Investment Officer
Jim Erceg

Jim Erceg

EVP, Head of Product
Spenser Lerner

Spenser Lerner

CFA, Head of Multi-Asset Solutions, Portfolio Manager
Steve Cook

Steve Cook

Managing Director and Head of ETFs
Jake Schurmeier

Jake Schurmeier

Portfolio Manager, Multi Asset Solutions Team
Jason M. Alonzo

Jason M. Alonzo

Portfolio Manager
Justin Menne

Justin Menne

Portfolio Manager, Multi-Asset Solutions Team,
Jonathan Poynter

Jonathan Poynter

Portfolio Manager
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Harbor Funds Distributors, Inc. is the Distributor of the Harbor Mutual Funds.
Foreside Fund Services, LLC is the Distributor of the Harbor ETFs.
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Investing involves risk and the potential loss of capital.

Investors should carefully consider the investment objectives, risks, charges and expenses of a fund before investing. To obtain a summary prospectus or prospectus for this and other information, click here or call 800-422-1050. Read it carefully before investing.

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